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Classic Rose Bouquet

  • An enduring emblem of love, the red rose makes for an exquisite present on occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, or Mother’s Day. Convey your heartfelt sentiments with the timeless Classic Rose Bouquet from Heart & Thorn. This floral arrangement comprises a stunning assortment of meticulously tied red roses, epitomizing the perfect expression of love. Keep in mind that our floral gifts can be complemented with other items like gourmet chocolates, a bottle of wine or liquor, and more. Elevate each occasion with the gift of beauty from Heart & Thorn. Please be aware that the bouquet shown features 18 stems.

  • This bouquet includes red roses with decorative greenery accents in a floral wrap tied with a designer ribbon. If you wish, you can add any wine, champagne, beer, liquor or gourmet gifts from our list of add-ons to this.

How Many Roses (Stems) Would You Like?

Customer Reviews

Based on 12 reviews
Fynn Wade
Repeat customer

Perfection keeps coming!!! 89 yr old mom LOVES her gift year round, best gift I’ve ever given her!

Lana Avila
Creative arrangements

Just in time to receive. Each is so unique and the mix of colors is perfect!!

Luke Anthony
You will never be disappointed !!!

Our gift was greatly enjoyed by the recipient. The process of ordering was very easy and quick. Thank you.

Eleanor Holt
Will be a return customer for sure!

Flowers are beautiful, fresh, and arrive on time. my mother-in-law loves them!

Tiana Mcmillan
Thanksgiving arrangement

The box is ultimate. It looks astonishing. My friend loved the flowers and the chocolates were delicious.What can i say about the wine. Its superb.