In a vibrant blend of colors, the Eternal Sunshine Mixed Peruvian Lily Bouquet by Heart & Thorn is a stunning embellishment for any setting. Featuring a charming assortment of alstroemeria, spider chrysanthemums, and daisies in various Spring and Summer shades, this bouquet serves as an ideal present for any celebration. Should you wish to customize this thoughtful gift, consider enhancing it with options such as wine, champagne, beer, liquor, or gourmet treats from our diverse collection. Please note that the pictured bouquet represents the Large Size variant.
This bouquet features alstroemeria, spider chrysanthemums, and daisies in a floral wrap and tied with designer ribbon. If you wish, you can add any wine, champagne, beer, liquor or gourmet gifts from our list of add-ons to this gift.
Please Note: This gift basket contains perishable items.